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FAQ (DOX-countable Bacteria)

Q: What bacteria can be counted with DOX?

DOX can count the number of total viable cells and coliforms (quantitative test), and detect the presence of E. coli (qualitative test). DOX can also count Staphylococcus aureus and salmonella spp., types of food-poisoning bacteria.

Q: Are there things that DOX cannot count?

First, DOX cannot count anything but bacteria.(For example, it cannot count mold, yeast, viruses, etc.)
DOX monitors the growth of bacteria, but is not suitable for counting substances that are difficult to grow or whose components have bacteriostatic action (such as wasabi and tea).

Q: Can mold be counted?

Mold counting is not supported.

Q: Can noroviruses be counted?

Viruses cannot be tested.

Q: Can BSE be confirmed?

Nonbacterial BSE cannot be tested.

Q: Can pesticide residue and residual chlorine be monitored?

Chemical substances cannot be tested.

Q: Can acidic and alkaline foods be tested?

Under highly acidic conditions, normal bacteria do not grow and thus cannot be counted by DOX.